National Epilepsy Week 2023

From 24th May to 30th May, National Epilepsy Week will be taking place to raise awareness for those affected by epilepsy, what epilepsy is, who’s affected and what can be done to help those who suffer from this condition.
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the brain and causes recurring seizures or fits in people. Due to an uncontrolled increase of excess electrical activity in the brain interfering with the normal functions, this causes a short interruption to the relay of messages in the brain.
Who’s affected?
Approximately 500,000 people in the England are diagnosed with epilepsy, affecting people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly.
What can be done to help?
Learning to recognise the symptoms of a seizure is a great place to start helping those affected, as well as knowing what to do when a seizure occurs to minimise the harm done to both the person and those around them. You can also look into lobbying for more support for those affected by epilepsy, so they can get the treatment and care they deserve.
All in all, epilepsy is a condition affecting more people than you might think, and by knowing the early warning signs and what to do when a seizure occurs can make a big difference helping those affected by the chronic condition.
This years’ theme
This year the theme for the week is #epilepsymatters. Visit the Epilepsy Society website to find out more on National Epilepsy Week and much more.
Epilepsy Training
Did you know Axcis have their very own in-house Epilepsy Awareness and Buccal Administration trainers? Our three trainers travel the length and breadth of country providing vital Epilepsy training to our candidates who work with students’ affected by this condition to ensure the students are provided with the best possible care should it be required. Please contact your local Axcis office for more information or get in touch directly with our Candidate Training team.
Credits: & Epilepsy Society
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